When I was about 21 years old I found out about Pfaltzgraff dinnerware and started collecting the yorktowne pattern. I had tons and tons of it. After using it for 20+ years, I needed a change and sold it all and purchased plain white dishes that matched with my shabby/cottage decor at the time. Since making the tradition to Prim/Country decor 2 years ago, I found myself drawn to the darker more rustic look so I've been collecting more Pfaltzgraff dishes. I received 2 different (patterns) sets for free for doing an online store review and the rest I have purchased used. I only purchased dinner plates for the Village and American Folk Art, (how many complete sets do I need!) I have been looking for the original Folk Art set for a while now and finally found it at a price I would pay. I got service for 8 and a few accent pieces at a rummage sale Friday for $75, score! And purchased a canister set from ebay for $80. So now I am keeping an eye out for some coordinating pieces and then I better stop!

Pfaltzgraff, Yorktowne 1st Set |
(I can't remember the pattern name)(for 4, free) |
Pfaltzgraff, Blue Pointe (for 8,free) |
Pfaltzgraff, Village (dinner plates) |
Pfaltzgraff, American Folk Art (dinner plates) |
Pfaltzgraff, Folk Art (for 8) |
What kind of dishes do you have?
Michelle / Simple Pleasures
Hi Michelle,
My first set of Pfaltzgraff dishes were the Yorktown as well...I got a complete set of 8 from my in-laws as a Christmas gift back in the late 70s and used it up until around 1999...it was fantastic and looked as good then as when I got it...and I got many accessory pieces over the years too.
Sold it all at a rummage sale a few years ago but do you know I still miss it and loved it to the end but it was time for a change.
Now I use a pattern called Strawberry Hill from Syracuse China...it is restaurant ware and just gorgeous. White with brick red strawberry plants on it...not the berry...just the plant...very prim!
Pfaltzgraff Folk Art - I started collecting this pattern about 9 years ago. ~Ann
I started collecting the Folk Art a about a year ago. i saw lots of people online and in magazines had it and it blended with my colors so well. I came across it quite cheap in an antique store. Then I found more in another antique store REALLY cheap last Christmas. Early this spring I went to a yard sale and this girl was selling a set of her mother-in-laws. The girl obviously did not like it at all, which I found out through talking to her. I did not NEED it but could not leave it there. It needed a good home. I got the whole service for 8 minus one cup, a serving platter and serving bowl for SEVEN dollars! SCORE! I also have a set of Ragon House dishes which I use every day. They are tan with cream stars around the edge.
I started out with Pfaltzgrath and now I have Pier One dishes. Take care, Janice
This is new to me? It's American? My favorite is 'Village'. I have dishes with red and white polka dots and Ikea-stuff and my kids brake them all the time :-). I'd better wait until they're older before I start collecting!
HA! I had the Yorktown pattern for probably 15 years and then passed it along to one kid who passed it along to another and I just got part of it back. I also had the Folk Art for several years and loved it. But when I went lighter I gave it away to a friend's daughter that was just setting up house. The last I knew she still had it.
I am glad you are back to your "first love".
I now have the white kind of 'shabby chic' dishes from Jacklyn Smiths' collection. I love it but it is REALLY heavy- xo Diana
My husband bought me the Village pattern for our first anniversary over 33 years ago and I am still using it and have many extra pieces.
Before my best friend passed away she collected the folk art pattern.I used to pick up every piece I found while out yard saling.Now when I see it I'm tempted to buy and think of her.It can be found fairly cheap around here still since the factories were local I think the recently closed though.I collect the nature set not sure what it's called but it's sage greens,creams and has bumble bees,watering cans and wheelbarrels.Warm Blessings!~Amy
You know what I have (my "fine china" according to my SIL), Yorktowne. I can't afford to change as I have, need, and use soooo many serving pieces at the holidays and I have service for 36. I remember asking for the pieces for shower and wedding gifts, Grandma and I used to go to The Piano Factory over there in
St Charles when that was open to get pieces from the outlet. I get a lot of the serving pieces from GW.
Oh dear... you are as bad as me!!!!
Here's mine... plus I have Merlot too. It's really an addiction!
Also... if you add the email me gadget to your blog I won't miss your posts! Just let me know you add it so I can sign up to have them sent directly to my email! And sign up for mine too if you want. :)
Carmen and the Primcats
Have used and loved my Pfaltzgraff Yorktowne for over 36 years. Nice to meet other Pfaltzgraff lovers.
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